case of breathlessness
Hi every one ,this is student of 4th yr MBBS .I was given the case which is in the link below: Case: A 30 yr old male patient came with the chief complaints of: Palpitations. Dyspnea. Pedal edema. REASONS: Palpitations: The patient has history of palpitations since 1 yr which were persistant and precipitated on exertion and relieved on rest. Palpitations can be heart related or other causes. Since it is the case of long duration and persistant palpitations, it has the differential diagnosis of heart related disordes: High blood pressure:Blood pressure is normal(120/70 mmHg) Abnormal heart valves Coronary artery disease Heart Failure: On cardiac examination , Right venticular heave is seen and even associated with raised JVP with prominent a wave . Raised JVP indicates high venous pressure , most probable for heart failure. Associated with right ventricular heave indicating right venticular hypertrophy. This shows the pr...